Many of us were wondering why the unions were so hard-over behind Obama's attempt to nationalize our nation's medical system. Personally, I had merely ascribed this to the unions' slavish subservience to the Democratic party.
Apparently there are more reasons behind their support of the reform bill -- about 10 billion reasons:
Apparently, HR3200 on Page 65 Section 164 includes the payoff where unions are to receive a $10 billion dollar infusion of taxpayer’s money to supplement their failing plans through a program called the “reinsurance plan.”
In protesting Gerald Ford's pardon of Richard Nixon, Kennedy thundered, "Is there one system of justice for the average citizen and another system for the high and mighty?"
These words, uttered five years after Chappaquiddick, are ubiquitous on conservative websites where they are offered up as evidence, not only of Kennedy's hypocrisy, but the mainstream media's as well.
The Floater is finally dead. Looking for a LARGE toxic landfill for his final resting place. I hope Hell's Demons have especially hot, spiky hard-ons for his eternal butt-rogering.
The world is FINALLY free from an evil, venal, self-obsessive, socialistic rat-bastard.
To paraphrase others -- "Mary Jo Koepechne remains unavailable for comment."
---And for those who may object to my display of schadenfreude implicit in this post, please note that I despised him in life and his death has no impact on my opinion of him, his actions, and his beliefs. His death only impacts his ability to impose his dysfuctional beliefs/laws upon this country. ---Just to warn you-all ahead of time, I will again do the happy-dance when Osama Bin-Laden is decapitated by a Hellfire missile.
Once upon a time, in America in the early 1990's, a woman, a mother in her early 50's, was dying of cancer. She had advanced cancer, she must have not received timely or effective screening services (LACK OF PREVENTIVE SERVICES -- mebbe).
She likely received chemotherapy, toxic nasty stuff, still her best hope. Her oncologists did their best. Why would they not?
She suffered . Her son watched as she did. He watched as she died.
Yes, she did die (BAD OUTCOME). Sad.
The cost for her care? lots! Costs of medicine (greedy pharmaceuticals) hospital care, physician fees (greedy doctors) surely significant. Outcome no good, she died.
The son thinks about this result. Why should there BE payment for a bad outcome? Makes little sense to him. Her son is grieving as he should. Still, he's facing a big bill. Pre-existing issues involved. Unpleasant experience.
The son is incensed. He does not forget this horrible experience. It' s his mother! She raised him. His father had already abandoned him/them when he (the boy) was very young -- his father went back to Kenya.
“All I'm saying is let's take the example of something like diabetes, one of—a disease that's skyrocketing, partly because of obesity, partly because it's not treated as effectively as it could be. Right now if we paid a family—if a family care physician works with his or her patient to help them lose weight, modify diet, monitors whether they're taking their medications in a timely fashion, they might get reimbursed a pittance. But if that same diabetic ends up getting their foot amputated, that's $30,000, $40,000, $50,000—immediately the surgeon is reimbursed. Well, why not make sure that we're also reimbursing the care that prevents the amputation, right? That will save us money.
So changing reimbursement rates will help. The other thing that will really help both nurses and doctors, helping pay for medical education for those who are willing to go into primary care. And that's something that we already started to do under the Recovery Act, and we want to do more of that under health care reform.”
A very wise man from a while back speaks-out on this topic:
and Lawrence O'Donnell is a dim-witted, rude, partisan hack*:
Best statement: Schiff: "Problem is basically one of over-utilization of insurance in the health-care marketplace because of inappropriate tax-subsidies for routine medical care." Awesomely true!!!
In honor of this, I'm gonna buy his book and donate $20 to his campaign to kick-out Chris Dodd.
*Of course, what else would you expect from MSNBC?
Crisis of Confidence: America's Government Losing Faith in Out-of-Touch Constituents -- Guest Opinion
By Senator Arlen Specter (D-PA) and Kathleen Sebelius, U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services
Over two hundred years ago, America's founding fathers established a constitutional republic based on the audacious notion that the interests of its citizens would be best served by a wise body of their democratically-elected representatives. In the two centuries that have since transpired, that bold experiment has largely been a success. But we should also realize our system only works when the interests of voters and their government are in harmony. Unfortunately, recent evidence suggests that America's hard-working hometown legislators are feeling the pinch from a fickle and increasingly out-of-touch voter class who no longer serves our needs.
Epilogue: Cindy Laquidara, a lawyer for Capt Speicher's widow, said: "The family's proud of the way the defence department continued on with our request to not abandon the search. We will be bringing him home." But shameless politicians are still trying to use his death to their advantage, despite the now-confirmed fact that Speicher died at the crash-site.
Does "Skip" Gates bi-racial daughter have a chip on her shoulder?
Cute, but (although it's hard to tell from a single snapshot) she looks kinda hard & angry. Mean eyes and a bitter twist to the corners of the mouth.
From her article on the "Beer Party" with the Prez. Green is her, red is me:
"...I first caught sight of Sgt. Crowley’s lovely daughter; she was wearing an appropriately heavy and charmingly untrained amount of green eyeliner...the now infamous Sgt. James Crowley ...I might agree with the president’s initial statement that the “Cambridge Police Department acted stupidly" , my father is not the first nor will he be the last black man to be arrested for no reasonSGT Lashley confirms> —in his own home or elsewhere—and Sergeant Crowley isn’t the first officer to fudge a police report. <>...They are simply pawns in the rebirth of unfashionable intolerance <> ...As my father said on the plane yesterday morning on our way to the White House, “there are approximately 800,000 black men in prison and on July 16, 2009, I simply became one of them.”"
I find it tragic that we are still enmeshed in racial divisiveness, anger and self-pity -- even in view of all the progress that we have clearly made in this country. We're not yet perfect (nor will we ever be), but we're far better than anyplace else on the surface of this planet. Dissenting comments are welcomed -- but please be prepared to back-up your positions.
Southern Maryland, The Peoples' Republic of MD, United States
Small-L libertarian, Freedom-Loving and Gun-Clinging Aerospace & Mechanical Engineer who is in the final stages of being assimilated by the BORG of the Federal Bureaucracy.